Achieving Sober Living

Rehab in Cape Town

The Living House is dedicated to encouraging and assisting our clients in their battle for reintegration into society, finding the strength within themselves to get clean. We do this through the support and mentoring of our live-in staff members, always ready to offer guidance and assistance in building sustainable Sober Living free of addiction.

We differentiate ourselves from fellow rehabs in Cape Town with our multidimensional and sustainable approach to recovery, recognizing and acknowledging the difficulties in the fight against addiction. Under our 1, 3, or 6 month residential contracts, we strive to assist our residents in building a life where staying clean is achievable, with active Recovery Coaching allowing for little chance of slipping back into bad habits.

To make this possible, we know that everyone has their own steps to take to reach recovery. There is no such thing as a ‘One Size Fits All’ approach at the Living House. With this in mind, we incorporate the basic principles of the 12 Step journey into a residents personal preferences, offering tailored 4 Stage programs for all our clients. This is essential in setting them on their easiest path to sobriety.

Here’s how we help

The Living House provides a safe, contained space for individuals to find and reach their recovery lifestyle. Our trained staff of caretakers, recovery coaches, counsellors and therapists actively builds and maintains the close-knit community at the rehabilitation center; this provides the support structure that upholds growth and sustainability on every step of the journey, ensuring no visitor walks alone on what can otherwise be a very isolated, unforgiving road.

If you are ready to take your first steps towards reaching recovery and rehabilitation, or you have a loved one who needs a helping hand, we at The Living House want to offer you the support you deserve. Everyone deserves a life free of the shackles of addiction. By taking these first few steps, you’re reclaiming your strength and force of will. Your sober living is well within reach; with the guidance and support structure of our staff and fellow visitors, your recovery and reintegration is a very real possibility to strive for.

Seeking international help with addiction? Have a look at our selected Rehabs in the UK.

Addiction Treatment and Recovery in Cape Town

Situated in the lush greenery of Claremont, Cape Town, visitors to our rehab center are provided with numerous opportunities to keep themselves busy at The Living House and its surrounds, a necessary part of fighting addiction. With Cavendish Centre just down the road, there are opportunities for recreational activities such as bowling, exercising, cinemas, and public transport for further accessibility.

Around you, the majestic visage of Cape Town’s famous Table Mountain looms overhead, its beauty an excellent way to ground oneself during even the most troubling of times on the road to recovery. All life’s problems can be dwarfed by such awe-inspiring nature. Claremont is also situated close to Kirstenbosch Gardens, offering a great space to keep physically active and in touch with the world around you.

Once a visitor has been living sober at the Living House for a minimum of three weeks, they are encouraged to take the next steps in reintegration by becoming productive while still booked into our rehabilitation center. A busy, active lifestyle where the mind and body are kept occupied not only helps fight addiction, but it grounds the resident in normalcy while building a sustainable future.

This entails studying, volunteering in the community, or engaging in gainful employment. With the benefits of a safe, calm place to grow and a means of finding productivity and purpose, the stage is set for our residents to restart their lives free of addiction or dependence on drugs, alcohol or other equally detrimental addictions.

With our primary and secondary stages in your fight against addiction, there is a program for all clients ready to walk the path to recovery at The Living House. It’s up to you to take a stand against addiction and substance dependence. The road to recovery can be a long and daunting one, but be rest assured that our staff is aware of the struggles you face.

No one expects miracles of our residents; no matter how long it takes, we’re right behind you every step of the way, encouraging your strength and determination. Your sober future is well within your grasp, regardless of how trying or difficult the journey. We fight to make the journey all the easier, allowing for a future where relapse can be actively avoided.

Addiction Treatment Stages
Stages of treatment are designed to focus on different areas of the recovering person’s life, while people around them are doing the same. This helps to separate those that are struggling to stay stopped and those that have stopped.

The Living House runs on a proudly self-designed ‘Four Phase Re-Integration Program’.

You’ll find all the comforts of a home at The Living House, as well as all the other elements that make our sober living facility one of a kind.

Accommodation Costs
Our fees are structured in order to create real world accountability, encouraging residents to stay for the agreed term.

Admission Requirements
All admissions are assessment dependent.

Our Staff
The combined experience and insights of all The
Living House staff together, provides a multi-faceted approach to the healing and growth opportunities of our clients.

Recovery Coaching
We at The Living House understand the importance of having a well-balanced Recovery lifestyle.

Vision and Mission
Our Vision and Mission Statement
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The Living House has been a great transition between tertiary care and real life. I arrived at The Living House under chaotic circumstances but 3 months later I’m leaving full of hope with plans in place for the future. Lloyd, Catherine & Frances have really made my stay as pleasant as sober living can be. They are always willing to help and are open to negotiations of house rules under the right circumstances. I would recommend The Living House to anyone seeking some stability & support before re-entering into day to day living.

Schalk, A

Schalk, A

Dear Catherine and everyone else who has shared my time in The Living House. My time here has been well spent. My initial stay was very uneventful but in this most recent stay, The Living House has provided me with a solid foundation from which to build a future. During my time here I have finally organised my studies and without this place that may have never happened.
Thank you for all your support on a day to day basis I really appreciate it. I’m leaving here with fond memories of my time here.
Glad to be moving back to my sober life outside of rehab.
Thank you again, and kind regards

Mike, C

Mike, C

The Love, care and support I have received from The Living House counsellors & my fellow house mates has been fantastic. I don’t know what I would have done without it. Life felt a bit overwhelming coming out of treatment like I had no idea where to start.
The phases process at The Living House has helped me to order things and ensure that my recovery continues to come first as I’ve begun to find my feet once more with work and life. I’ve had the support of my fellow housemates, who understands what I am going through.
Realistically, I don’t see how I could take those next steps without living in this kind of environment. My recovery has never felt better and I’m truly grateful for the professional care as well as the non professional support I’ve felt from both the staff & House mates.
Thank you

Jonno, M

Jonno, M

Thank you very much Lloyd, for everything. This was my second stay at The Living House, and it was completely different to my first. Mainly, I think, because of my positive attitude and willingness, but also because of the changes in the house, such as the Just for Today morning groups. In any event, I really enjoyed my stay this time around, and it has allowed me to create a solid foundation for my recovery. I’m very sad to be leaving, but at least it’s just down the road for now. Thanks also to Catherine – you have been a tremendous help, and I really appreciate all that you do.
I will certainly stay in touch.
Bye for now

Jonathan, B

Jonathan, B

Thank you Lloyd for accepting me as a resident here at “TLH” my gratitude speaks to you and my Higher Power for giving me this opportunity to get well and grow in my recovery and process of life on its terms. It has been a good base for me to be in and learn more about my stuff.
You run a good house and it has been a privilege to have lived here for just over a year and I’ve felt safe here. This has been a gift in many ways thank you kindly again. I’ll be in touch.
Thank you!

Jared, M

Jared, M

My time at The Living House has been 3 months spent very well. I always wanted to live in a commune & this is probably the closest I will get to it. In my short space of 136 days of sobriety, 90 of this is a huge chunk and for that I am extremely thankful towards you and Catherine for supporting me. Thank you for understanding my late payments & tantrums about compulsory random testing, and the cat tantrum!
I will miss the JFT and the Monday meetings and the firm way in which Frances conducted the sometimes heated exchanges. The 3 months has also given me the opportunity to learn aspects of myself – some of which I surprisingly like and others shockingly only realise I have.
Lloyd you are brave to do what you do and your openness to learn as you go along is admirable and you should be proud of yourself. Catherine you are a pillar of strength and calmness in a sometimes very stormy sea.
Thank you for everything

Esther, D

Esther, D

Thanks so much for the opportunity to spend some time here at The Living House, it was the perfect place for me to test out if I was ready to take the next step. Thanks Lloyd, Frances and Faith for being there, and especially to Telphyn who really was always a pleasure to have a chat with. All the best, will be popping in quite often.

David, B

David, B

I am eternally grateful for all the love, care and support shown to me by the guys at the living house. I’ve had a fantastic opportunity to make and bond with a new circle of friends in recovery who have supported me through this challenging process. Housemates who make me feel good about putting my recovery into action. Living the program has become fun and exciting and I have The Living House to thank!
I spent 18 months in treatment before receiving help from the Living house and from here, I’ve been able to go out there into the real world and test the water, yet feel the safety net of returning home each day to the support of a recovery focused group of people. It’s kept me on track long enough to learn how to cope with the outside world one day at a time and face the challenges as they arise.
They say the real challenges lie in wait for a person only after leaving treatment and from past experience I have found that to be entirely true. Molehills quickly turn into mountains as seemingly small things become daunting.
This has not been the case this time around. Finally I have found the opportunity to take things a day at a time and begin to try and reclaim the life that has been waiting for me outside of treatment. One which I can only hold onto if I learn properly how to grasp it and that is something the Living House has taught me how to do by providing me with the “training wheels” I need to take what I have learnt and practice it.



Thank you so much for everything. I have had an awesome time here and really found it the perfect balance of being able to take responsibility for my recovery and to work a program but also benefited from the weekly group which allowed me to review my week and check areas of my life and recovery needed more work.
Having intended on staying 1month I ended up staying 4 as I enjoyed it so much! It is such a good balance to have other people in recovery around but to all have your own lives.
I went through some difficult times emotionally here and found everyone very supportive, and helped me to deal with it without going back to old behaviours.
Thanks to everyone – Lloyd you have been awesome to chat to, Frances has helped allot in groups, Faith has been good company and Talfryn you will always be a legend! I will miss you all-made some great friends here but will definitely be popping by often as I am just moving down the road!!!
Thanks again



Our Blog


Alternative Treatment For Drug Addiction: Understanding The Top Options

If you are exploring addiction treatment and rehabilitation, you are on the right path towards getting the…



Recovery at The Living House

The first rule of recovery: you don’t recover from addiction by stopping using, you recover by creating a…



The Link Between PTSD, Trauma and Substance Abuse – And Seeking Rehab

When it comes to treating addiction and substance abuse, it’s important to understand that these…



Understanding How Depression And Addiction Are Linked

In adults with depression, about 16.5% of people have an alcohol use disorder, and 18% of people have another…




Substance Use Disorder

What is Substance Use Disorder?
Drug abuse and addiction are a growing health crisis around the world….

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Our Team

Kyle Collins

Kyle Collins

Managing Director

Kyle holds the position of Managing Director and is responsible for the quality of The Living House services. He has had experience working in various treatment centres, ranging from Primary Care to Sober Living. He is exceptionally passionate about Recovery and views Recovery from a multi-dimensional perspective. His firm yet empathetic approach has assisted countless people in their Recovery process. Kyle is qualified as a Close Protection Officer including a First Responder in Emergency Care Level Three.

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0844 LIVING (0844 548464)

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